The Women of the Church are sponsoring a Bake Sale for the spectators and players at the youth Basketball Games on Saturday, February 8.
The proceeds of this sale will go toward purchasing new choir robes for our St. John’s children’s choirs.
Please help us if you can by providing baked goods for that day. Baked items need to be in Ziploc bags. Each bag will be $1.00. For example, 2 large or 3 smaller brownies, Rice Krispy Treats, cookies, cake, cupcakes, etc. Any item containing nuts or peanut butter should be marked on the bag. If your food is gluten-free, please mark that on the bag. Any items not sold on Saturday will be available for sale at the Main Entrance after church on Sunday.
The snacks need to be at the church by 9:30 am on Saturday, February 8. If a Friday drop-off works better for you, the snacks can be left in the lounge near the gym before noon.
PLEASE RSVP by Wednesday, February 5 to Joanne Compton and let her know if you can help bake and what you are planning to bring. We are also looking for one more person to work an afternoon shift at our sale table on Saturday. If you would like to give of your time, and give yourself the treat of receiving joy as you give it, please call, text, or email Joanne Compton (information above). Thank you!