We invite you to join us for “Welcoming New Friends” on Wednesday, November 13 from 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM in Broach Hall. We will share a buffet meal, followed by a program that focuses on the work of Refugee Support Services and their Fruitful Friends program. Fruitful Friends pairs volunteers with RSS program participants to build friendships, share cultures, and provide support. Sharing experiences, information and insights with us will be Pamela Dellinger and Esther Schmidt from Refugee Support Services.
Make dinner reservations by noon on Friday, November 8.
$15/person or $36/household
Must pay for dinner AT THE DOOR by cash or check.
Register on Realm here or contact Amanda Morrison in the office at amorrison@sjcharlotte.org or 704-333-5428, ext. 0. No reservation needed for program only, which begins at 6:00PM.