Join us for Sunday growth groups for adults of all ages to nurture your spiritual development and find community with one another.
- Seekers Class: A gifted group with gifted teachers! This group of brave souls traverses exciting biblical territory each week, steeped in deep discussion as they wrestle with grand theological questions and work to deepen their spiritual relationships through their searching processes. Utilizing a variety of books and commentaries for study, the Seekers uphold the great tradition of St. John’s where all ideas are accepted and there is a place where none of those ideas separate one from the other.
- Didymus Class: This unique, maturing, and eclectic group learns through the free exchange of ideas while embracing their belief that, “A Difference of Opinion Is Not a Threat to Christian Fellowship.” Teachers utilize the Bible and other books in fostering a serious approach to socially relevant subjects. We also enjoy activities including parties, book studies, and field trips. Come, be part of this loving and committed group!
- Beacon Class: This class is comprised of men who enjoy fellowship and significant study of the scriptures. Utilizing the Formations curriculum, published by Smyth & Helwys, this group uses study and discussion to stimulate both the heart and the mind. Come join this warm and thoughtful group!
- Joy Class: This diverse class of talented, caring, and giving women involve themselves in the study of scriptures while wrestling with its applicability to their lives. One visit with these ladies, and you will discover a group who not only experiences the scriptures in the classroom but one who lives its truths in daily life. You are invited to experience the nurture, friendship, and true joy of the Joy Class!
- Adventure Class: We are an eclectic group united by a deep interest in the adventure of our faith journeys. The group discusses various topics and looks for how they connect to the journey of faith. You are invited into this exciting experience of study and onto the next adventure!
- Encouragers Class: This co-ed class warmly welcome everyone to join them for weekly study and discussion. This combined class is full of thoughtful people who long to learn and bring their own gifts to their learning. Come study and grow with them!
- Far Side Class: Where most Baptist Sunday school classes tend to trod on safe soil, this group is willing and anxious to traverse difficult territory. These fun-loving folks incorporate their theological persuasions and studies with their varying world views for in-depth and challenging conversations each Sunday.
- McLeod Brown Class: This group honors two of its long-time teachers through its name and is committed to building relationships with each other. The current teacher creatively guides class members in the study of the scriptures and encourages delving deeply into their own spiritual journeys. Their lively discussions are open to anyone. You will be blessed by the welcoming spirit of the McLeod/Brown Class. Come and learn with them!
- Pathfinders Class: This group is primarily composed of married couples with teenagers and young adult children. They follow a discussion format and usually deal with discussion studies of books or other theme-based materials. Come and join them as they journey together!
- Genesis Class: This group of young adults looks for connections between faith and their daily lives while nurturing relationships and community with one another. Come be part of this newest group at St. John’s and grow with them!
- Cheers Class: The Cheers group enjoys discussing topics relative to their lives and faith journeys. You are invited to join Cheers if you are looking for a group where you can discuss your faith and be yourself in a fun, easy-going atmosphere.