Worship | Sundays @ 10:30am
Our campus is located at the corner of Hawthorne Lane and 5th Street, with our physical address being 300 Hawthorne Lane. There are two ways to enter our parking lots, one off Hawthorne Lane and one off 5th Street. Both parking lots connect, are marked with a sign with our name, and are open to anyone coming to our buildings for both church-sponsored and outside events and meetings.
If you are a regular member or work on our campus, please come to our main office on the second floor during the week to receive a parking sticker for your vehicle.
During the week, the best way to enter our building and find your destination is to come to our Main Entrance, ring the bell to the left of the doorway, speak to our office staff, and be admitted and directed to where you need to go.
On Sunday mornings, you may enter the building at the Main Entrance, Broach Hall, 5th Street Entrance, or the Sanctuary outer doors. At each location, one of our greeters will welcome you and help you find your way.