As we look into the New Year of 2025, I invite you to join me in a new effort – CROSSWALK. I ask you to join me for CROSSWALK at 9:00 AM in the Sanctuary on the Third Sunday of each month for Communal Prayer.
Beginning on Sunday, January 19th, we will gather in the sanctuary every third Sunday of the month for prayer. Our communal prayer will be finished by 9:10 so you can get to your Sunday School Ministry Groups. I will guide us in these moments to pray for our church leaders, our Converge process, our staff, and our Transition Team as we begin this year of significance. God will offer guidance and directional leadership to us. Let us discern how to follow with active faith as we continue Jesus’ ministry investing in the mission of God.
I look forward to gathering with you this Sunday as our Chancel Choir leads us in worship. On the following Sunday, December 22, I will offer my last Advent message as your pastor entitled, ‘How Can I Keep from Singing?’ based on Mary’s song of praise in Luke 1:39-55. Then, at 5:00 pm on Christmas Eve, I will lead you in my last Christmas Eve expression of worship which will include our traditional carols, candles and communion. On December 29th, Lee Gray will offer the sermon. Paula and I will be in Indianapolis with my mother on her 93rd birthday.
On January 5th, I will offer a sermon entitled, ‘All I Got for Christmas Was a Picture of God.’ Then, on January 12th, Rev. Haley Blackwell will be with us in the pulpit and in the baptistery as she baptizes some of the youth she served during her time with us. On Sundays January 19th and 26th, I will offer two sermons on change as one way God redeems and heals us.
On February 2nd, I will offer a sermon entitled, ‘Many Builders, One Foundation: The Once and Future Pastor.’ We will observe Youth Sunday on February 9th. On February 16, 23, and March 2nd, I will offer messages on a few of my favorite scriptures including: John 3:16-17; 1 Peter 1:21-2:3; Romans 12:1-2; John 6:1-68; Ephesians 4:1-7, 11-16; and Matthew 28:18-20. During Lent, I will lead us in a detailed study of Jesus’ seven phrases spoken from the cross. This will lead us to Easter on April 20th. Sometime during Lent, I will let you know what I’ve planned for the St. John’s Pulpit from Easter through my last Sunday, August 24th.
It is my hope that you will consider being present on most of these Sundays. And I ask you to come together for these CROSSWALK Third Sunday Communal Prayer sessions at 9:00 AM in the sanctuary. Throughout my life, I have learned how prayer diminishes anxiety, clarifies visions, offers pathways for spiritual maturity, and nurtures church unity. Please know that I will be praying for you every day and I ask you to pray for me. Shalom!