St. John’s Baptist Church

Worship | Sundays @ 10:30am


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Sunday Services Cancelled-January 12


As I write this article, snow has finally started falling in Charlotte.  As it gets colder overnight, the precipitation will change form. By Saturday’s sunrise, we will see whether we receive more snow or ice. Amounts will vary depending on precise locations.

Because our members live in so many areas of metro Charlotte, and due to so many variables and unknown factors regarding black ice, potential loss of power, frozen back streets, parking lot slick spots, etc., I have consulted with several folks today. We have decided to cancel services for this Sunday, January 12th. Baptism is rescheduled for Sunday, January 26th.

Please stay in and be safe and warm. If you must be out this weekend, drive slow and increase the distance between your vehicle and others. Enjoy the beauty through your window’s view. We will allow this weekend for first responders to prepare our city to re-open on Monday.


Dennis W. Foust, Senior Minister