God’s Tapestry: Woven Together in Power and Purpose SJBC Women of the Church Retreat | November 1-3, 2024 We will focus on Mary and Elizabeth as models of women affirming each other’s gifts and encouraging each other to use those gifts to answer God’s call in our lives. Presenter: Rev. Sabrina Gilchrist When? November 1-3, […]
November 7 Parents of children, ages birth - 5th grade, please join us on Thursday, November 7 (rescheduled date) at 6:00 p.m. at Catalina Kitchen and Bar (1942 East 7th St.). Find their menu here. Free childcare will be provided. Please register and reserve childcare by November 1. Register here.
The Brotherhood of the Biscuit will meet again on Friday, November 15 at 6:30 am in the church lounge. Our guest speaker this month will be Norris Frederick and he will share a little about his life, faith, and work as a philosophy professor at Queens University. Please email Lee Gray if you plan to […]
Saturday, November 16 We’re excited to invite the young adults of St. John’s to join us for a fun-filled trip to the Renaissance Festival on Saturday, October 19 from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Let’s meet at the church around 9:30 AM to carpool and arrive ahead of the crowds—plus, it’ll help us secure enough […]
All children and their families are invited to bring their favorite sweet or savory pie and artistic skills to Broach Hall immediately following worship on Sunday, November 17, where we will join Cindy Osborne for a Friendsgiving Lunch and Thankful Art Party. Cindy, a retired art teacher, will guide our children and their families to […]
When: Thursday, December 5, 6:30-9pm Where: Sugar Creek Brewing Company, 215 Southside Dr., Charlotte, NC 28217 Tickets: $50 per person You're invited to celebrate the gift of the Christmas season, enjoying an evening full of community, joy, and belonging. Your evening will include delicious hors d'oeuvres, access to a cash bar, and entertainment while learning […]
Friday, December 20, 2024 6:00 pm Gym Parents, drop your kids off at church from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. on Friday, December 20, where we will jump in bounce houses, play games, and watch The Grinch! The cost of the event is $10 per child, which will help cover the costs associated with dinner. Childcare for babies - two years […]
St. John’s historian, Fredda Kimball, will be the speaker at the Brotherhood of the Biscuit THIS Friday, January 17 at 6:30 AM (Church Lounge). Fredda has recently put together the 100th Anniversary book for St. John’s. Copies of the book are not yet available but will be soon. Fredda will share stories of interest from our first 100 years in […]
We will gather on the Third Sunday of each month in 2025 for this new prayer effort called CROSSWALK. We will be finished no later than 9:10 so you can get to your Sunday School Ministry Groups. Dennis will guide us in these moments to pray for our church leaders, our Converge process, our staff, […]
Meeting with Families of Children Rescheduled for Sunday, January 19 All families with children are invited to attend a brief meeting after worship this Sunday in the Lounge on the first floor.