Over recent weeks, we have been including articles updating you on various areas of congregational life and ministries. These updates will continue through September. As we move past Labor Day, our church staff returns to regular office hours: 8:30 to 4:30 (M-Th) and 8:30 to 2:30 (F). Our Personnel Resource Team has been actively faithful during the pandemic supporting and affirming shifts in staff roles. Here are a few updates that you may find helpful.
Jacquelyn McAbee, Church Administrator: Through the pandemic, Jacquelyn kept church administration and building care on track. She was our mainstay in the building and served the staff and church leadership in numerous ways. She coordinates all areas of congregational finances, residential partners, building schedules, and provides support for most resource teams connected to our Administrative Deacon Panel.
Mallory Brown, Administrative Assistant – Communications: During the pandemic, Mallory (and her husband, Ben) welcomed Annie Kate into their family (now a one-year-old in our St. John’s Weekday School). Mallory’s schedule has shifted to 8:30 to 4:30 (M) and 8:30 to 2:30 (T–F) to coordinate with Annie Kate’s school schedule. Mallory provides administrative support for our ministry staff and coordinates church communications.
Derek Henson, Administrative Assistant – Connections: Several of you have now been trained on Realm by Derek. He coordinates our church calendar, manages our database, coordinates the schedules and work of our custodians, supports the work of numerous ministries including House & Grounds by relating with outside vendors and contractors. Derek is the person to contact if you need to place a meeting on the church calendar.
Debora Thon and Chris Mullis – Custodians: Throughout the pandemic, our facilities were well cared for, maintained and cleaned. A huge part of these efforts were fulfilled by our custodial staff. As we step into a busier schedule, we have reoriented the roles and hours of Debora and Chris so as to assure their time is allocated appropriately.
Allison Benfield, Minister for Spiritual Growth: Although Allison continues to coordinate all ministries related to infants, preschoolers, children and their families, she is also now coordinating ministries of spiritual growth for adults. She has initiated a Spiritual Growth Resource Team which is focusing on curriculum design, resources, and practices that foster spiritual growth through various groups and ministries of the church.
Nate Dove, Minister for Youth & Young Adults: A few months into the pandemic, we welcomed Nate to our ministry team. He has been instrumental in expanding and improving our efforts through digital video. Along the way, he has been introducing himself to our youth and young adults and other church members. We look forward to more creative approaches alongside our outstanding youth and our expanding young adults.
Lee Gray, Minister for Congregational Care: After twenty-two years as Minister for Youth and Young Adults, Lee Gray transitioned into a new role focused on congregational care. His sensitive heart and good mind blend to provide a broadened approach to caring for our people. He has already broadened our capacities to provide attentive care to some of our households during the pandemic. Expect new approaches of care in this next year.
Kevin Gray, Minister for Worship and Music Ministries: As we stepped into this pandemic, Kevin had to shift from a choral-based in-person music ministry to lead worship to arranging musicians and communicating with worship leaders by email, phone and zoom. He pivoted with creativity and his usual sweet manner. As we are now regathering for worship, Kevin is rehearsing with the Chancel Choir on Sundays through the autumn and planning for a beautiful and joyous Advent and Christmas celebration.
Dennis Foust, Senior Minister: When this pandemic forced us to become ‘Scattered Church,’ everyone had to practice the beatitude Dennis teaches: ‘Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.’ At every turn, Dennis has been blessed by the flexibility and commitments of the members and staff. Having just entered his eleventh year with St. John’s, Dennis is excited to guide us to the other shore beyond the pandemic and into the second century of St. John’s ministry.
We thank you for your partnership in the ministry of God’s Gospel. As we begin a new church year, let us begin with a recommitment to being ‘the Gathered Church’ on Sundays.