St. John’s Baptist Church

Worship | Sundays @ 10:30am


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The Church Is Picking Up Energy

Since 1975, I have witnessed congregations pick up energy as summer transitions to autumn.

Once again, September is revealing this wonderful experience.

One of the best things about you, St. John’s, is your consistent expression of commitment. You ask, “How are we doing?” and “What do we need to do about that (whatever ‘that’ may be from time to time)? You step up and step forward when you realize there is a need. You figure out how we can share the load to meet the need. You find ways to collaborate as you steward resources to meet challenges. You find a way or make a new way to achieve the goal. And, each year, as summer transitions to autumn, you invest new energies into ministries. Thank you!

In recent weeks, I have witnessed you picking up the pace of involvement. Your participation is increasing. This week, the following groups have met either in person or on Zoom – or both: Mission Resource Team, House and Grounds Resource Team, Messaging and Media Resource Team, Stewardship Resource Team, and our Search Team for Minister for Worship and Music. In addition, our Technology Resource Team and our Finance Resource Team have been conversing about the actions they need to take to achieve goals. Our Pastoral Deacons are beginning to touch base with households under their care. Our Sunday School Ministry Formation Groups and Classes are beginning to gather in their post-summer schedules, our Chancel Choir is continuing to rehearse each Wednesday evening, our Handbell Choir is regathering each week to practice, our Administrative and Ministry Deacon Panels and the groups they coordinate are beginning to meet regularly and Book Study groups have rekindled. Our Weekday School for preschoolers is operating at full strength and our Academy for the Arts is beginning by offering piano lessons and planning for KinderMusik to begin in the near future.

I remind you that we are all connecting our energies and resources to emphasize five focus areas of church ministries:

1. Focusing Attentiveness on Families with Children and Youth and Young Adults.

2. Engaging with Guests through Enhanced Ministries of Outreach, Messaging and Media.

3. Enlarging Our Missional Impact Upon the City of Charlotte.

4. Increasing Our Emphasis on Spiritual Growth.

5. Expanding Our Expressions of Congregational Care.

This coming Sunday is World Communion Sunday. Our scripture reading and choral anthem will be presented in a unique way. I am grateful to Chloe Hall, Lillian Quackenbush, and Kheresa Harmon for preparing our children and Chancel Choir for their worship leadership last Sunday.

Later in October, we will enjoy food trucks after worship on Sunday, October 22. Then, many of us will walk down to Memorial Stadium to participate in CROP Walk.

Yes, the church is picking up energy. Thank you for another wonderful pastoral experience!
