Worship in May and Early June at St. John’s
As we move toward the summer, our expressions of worship in the beautiful St. John’s sanctuary will include celebration and inspiration.
- May 19 – We will welcome Amanda Tyler to the St. John’s Pulpit as we observe Pentecost Sunday. Her message will be entitled, ‘Holy Pluralism.’ Our Worship and Arts Resource Team is planning to introduce a creative symbol to help you reflect on the meaning of Acts 2:1-17. We will welcome our sisters and brothers of Together in Christ International Ministries as we continue our tradition of worshipping in unity on Pentecost Sunday and proclaiming the message of the Holy Spirit creating unity out of pluralistic languages and cultures. (Remember to invite your friends, neighbors, and colleagues to our McLeod Brown Presentation on Sunday, May 19th, at 5:00pm, in the sanctuary as Amanda Tyler is interviewed by Landis Wade on the subject, ‘Christian Nationalism and the Threat to Faith and Democracy.’)
- May 26 – We join Christians around the globe to observe Trinity Sunday. Rev. Kheresa Harmon will offer a sermon entitled, ‘or, for the Love of Pretzels’ based upon John 3:1-17.
- June 2 – We will observe our long-standing annual tradition of celebrating with our High School graduates as they serve as worship leaders. Dr. Foust will present a word to the graduates as they transition into young adulthood.