St. John’s Baptist Church

Worship | Sundays @ 10:30am

Kheresa Harmon
Minister for Children & Their Families
Rev. Kheresa Harmon holds an M. Div. from Campbell University Divinity School and a B.A. in Religion also from Campbell University. For nearly 30 years, Kheresa has participated in the Christian formation of children in various roles as a Sunday School teacher in three congregations, Volunteer Director of Children’s Church, leader of Girls in Action and Royal Ambassadors groups, Vacation Bible School Director, and now as an ordained minister. Kheresa has served with St. John’s since the fall of 2022.

As a minister to children, Kheresa desires to seek not only to help children learn about Christianity but also to practice their faith in embodied ways. A proponent for learning through play, Kheresa genuinely enjoys facilitating and participating in imaginative play with children by acting out the drama of the Christian story to promote learning and growth. Kheresa is most energized by opportunities to empower children at a young age to begin to discover their spiritual gifts and use them because she believes they are the church, and not only its future. She wants each child who receives ministry to know that they are wonderfully created in the image of God. She believes God has very important roles for children to play in the Lord’s big family, and we who are adult children have much to learn from them.

Kheresa and her husband Steve have a teenage son, Timothy. Both Kheresa and Steve have been contributors and writers to numerous publications and have been in the St. John’s pulpit on occasion during worship time. Kheresa has received many recognitions and accolades throughout her work in ministry including the Anne Thomas Neil Award. Each year, since 1988, Baptist Women in Ministry has presented The Anne Thomas Neil Award to individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the cause of women in ministry.

Rise Against Hunger

Register Today for September 29 Event at St. John’s Did you know that a child dies from hunger every 10 seconds?* Let’s work together to end global hunger. Please join us and

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