Preschool and Children will meet in Room 221 for a combined Sunday school beginning June 16 and concluding on August 18. We will be learning about the Beatitudes and using Kids Can, an interactive, fun curriculum offered by MennoMedia.
Haven’t found a Sunday school class for you, parents? Is your Sunday school class taking a summer sabbatical? Holy Grounds may be for you! Kheresa will begin offering this new faith formation experience for you weekly, beginning on Sunday, June 16 at 9:15 a.m. in the Church Parlor. Come for coffee or tea (it’s free!), fellowship, and prayer in a safe, sacred space. More details are coming soon!
Nursery will continue as scheduled babies and toddlers, but we must have volunteers. Volunteers are needed for the 3rd Sunday of June, July, and August. Please contact Kheresa immediately to serve.
A new Sunday school class for 3-year-olds will start fall 2024. Teachers are needed to help Alexandra, Julien, Joy, Hailey, Walter, Amelia, Grace, Annie, and Liam learn about Jesus. Let Kheresa know that you want to serve!