St. John’s Baptist Church

Worship | Sundays @ 10:30am

A Church Staff Update

July 21, 2022

by Dennis W. Foust, Senior Minister

Please allow me to update you about our church staff. Although we have experienced some changes, we are doing well and will emerge this autumn with a full and strong staff.

MINISTRY COORDINATOR: Amanda Morrison serves in this role. Her primary purpose is to coordinate various aspects of church life and ministry in ways that provide unity of purpose in a common direction. Too often, silos can develop in church life and various groups do good things without coordination toward our primary church goals. Amanda works closely with me as senior minister, our ministry staff, our administrative staff, our church leadership and others to increase coordination. She is the friendly voice you hear when you call and request extension 11. She is the helpful person you see when you come into the offices. Amanda coordinates administrative support for the senior minister and ministry staff. She is the person to contact regarding information having to do with our church calendar, Sunday School, scheduling of meetings, deacon ministries, prayer requests, congregational care, church activities, and all non-financial data on Realm. Amanda is a person with initiative who solves problems. She is extremely organized and excels in time management with a high capacity to multi-task and track many initiatives at once through coordination and communication. Every few days, I ask her if she is still enjoying her work. She is still saying, “very much” and “I love it” one month into her time with us. And I commend you for allowing her to experience Sundays like you want to experience Sundays. You are not asking her questions on Sundays that should wait until Monday. I am very grateful to you for that courtesy. You may contact Amanda at

MEDIA COORDINATOR: Mallory Brown continues to be the person who handles our digital media. Since our weekly Family News is now digital, Mallory coordinates this publication as well as our other digital media. Mallory has been a catalyst for our Messaging and Media Resource Team as we developed a plan of action to begin implementing after Labor Day. She currently works up to 10 hours a week from her home in Shelby. Mallory is the person to email if your ministry group has information to be communicated digitally through Family News or on other platforms and can be contacted at

CHURCH ADMINISTRATOR: We have truly been blessed by the diligence and trustworthiness of Jacquelyn McAbee in the role of church administrator. As she begins her new position of community impact as office manager for KinderMourn, we have started the search process for our next church administrator. We are grateful to Jacquelyn for offering to work up to 20 hours a month to accomplish the major financial tasks during August and September as we interview candidates and fill this position. During these two months, you can still reach Jacquelyn at Don Hinson and I have met with Jacquelyn to review all facility projects and we will work together to relate with any contractor or vendor service as needed during these interim weeks. We will also be in close contact with our custodial staff.

MINISTER FOR YOUTH AND YOUNG ADULTS: This week, Haley Blackwell and her husband, Austin, move to Charlotte. They will use the next couple of weeks to get set up in their new residence along with their dog, Scout. Haley begins her ministry with us as Minister for Youth and Young Adults on August 1st. She will participate with our youth and adults in our annual Charlotte Mission Immersion in early August and will preach her first sermon in the St. John’s Pulpit on August 14th. Meg Bond is coordinating efforts with youth this summer with her usual pleasant smile and positive energy. I also look forward to working with Haley in renewed efforts among our young adults. You may send Haley a welcome email at

MINISTER FOR CHILDREN AND THEIR FAMILIES: Our search team has completed our preliminary work and has posted the position. We will receive applications over the next several weeks and hope to begin interviews by the end of August. We will be releasing new information regarding the beginning of the Sunday School Ministry year through the Children and Families Resource Team.

MINISTER FOR WORSHIP AND MUSIC: Of course, Kevin Gray continues to guide our church in these areas of ministry. Although the Chancel Choir has taken a sabbath during July, Kevin has been planning some creative efforts for them as they begin again in August. He is also working on some exciting ways to bring new energy and participation to our worship and music ministries while also caring for the health of those already involved. Noel Lance continues to bless us as he offers his musical gifts to God. And, we are looking forward to the installation of our new Carillon Bell System in coming weeks. You may reach Kevin at

MINISTER FOR CONGREGATIONAL CARE: Lee Gray has been extremely helpful to me through this pandemic and season of change. He has initiated care to persons every week while he has also provided essential support to our parents and students during these months of interim ministries with youth. Lee guided our group to Chicago on a mission trip and has planned the details for our August Charlotte Mission Immersion. After Labor Day, Lee and I will return to our plans for expanding our efforts in congregational care. You may reach Lee at

As Senior Minister, it is a joy to coordinate the staff and ministries of St. John’s. You can reach me at Even during a season of change, because of several members increasing their efforts and staff members being flexible, we have been able to move forward. Our Personnel Resource Team will continue to provide help to the staff. Nancy Wilson has been alongside me in this year of change to provide supportive collaboration. I appreciate your prayers and encouragement in our collaborative efforts. Truly, this is a time of endless opportunities for St. John’s – new personnel joining our current staff – birthing new ideas and excitement for what can be!

Beloved, our future is bright. This is an invigorating season of change for me. I trust this is also true for you. Let us pray for one another while supporting one another as we serve The Living God and invest our energies and resources in continuing the ministry of Jesus. Shalom!