St. John’s Baptist Church

Worship | Sundays @ 10:30am

Commitments and Priorities: Moving Forward with Balance

Albert Einstein was not only brilliant in intelligence, he was also extremely wise. For example, consider this insight: “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.”

Throughout my life, I have learned that writing down my commitments and priorities is more helpful in January of each year than making resolutions.

As individuals, families, and congregations, we make commitments and reveal our priorities by the ways we live. Here is one commitment I have made for 2024:

“Through my commitment to God and with Jesus as the Lord of my faith, I choose to invest my life in these priorities –

  • Building Bridges – not Barriers;
  • Cultivating Community – not Conflict;   
  • Fostering Faith – not Fear;
  • Sharing Good News – not Bad;
  • Promoting Health – not Sickness;
  • Perpetuating Justice – not Injustice; and
  • Pursuing Principles – not Politics.”

What would you include in a written statements of your individual commitments and priorities?

As a family member, I am making this commitment to the following priorities: “I will invest in the health of my family by encouraging those younger than me and honoring those older than me by prioritizing respect for individuality and nurturing relationships of trust by listening to dreams, desires, and burdens.”

How are you investing in your family?

As a congregational pastor, I am making this commitment to the following priorities:

“I will continue to nurture a missional vision for our center-city congregation through prioritizing the following leadership practices: Emphasizing ways we are extend the ministry of Jesus in the twenty-first century, nurturing shared visions, facilitating team learning, developing leaders, inviting people into a deeper spiritual journey, equipping God’s people for ministry in daily life, enhancing hospitality and outreach to guests, providing pastoral care, teaching healthy theology, and coordinating the various structures an operations of church life.”

How are you choosing to express your commitments and priorities in church health and vitality?

To pursue balance in your life, it is a good practice to write out your commitments and priorities.