A Pastoral Note from Dennis
Greetings along this journey of gathering!
Thank you for SHOWING UP!
- Sunday Morning Growth Groups are now gathering on Sundays.
- Our Chancel Choir has re-established its Wednesday evening rehearsals.
- Every Sunday, I am seeing additional people SHOW UP in the sanctuary.
- You are SHOWING UP with increased regularity, re-establishing pre-COVID habits and patterns.
- I look forward to seeing more of you MORE OFTEN in the next few weeks in our safe and sacred spaces.
- You are also SHOWING UP in other commitments, collaborations, and visions that connect us. Thank you!
- Through the first 9 months of this year, you have given your tithes and offerings faithfully. Thank you!
- You are striving toward surpassing this year’s Global Mission Offering goal of $25,000. Thank you!
- In service and in church leadership, you are beginning this new church year with energy and vitality. Thank you!
Now, we begin MOVING FORWARD!
- Remember, in March 2022, we begin our second century as a local church. Over the next four Sundays, I will offer four sermons to introduce our church’s centennial celebration.
- Through this autumn and winter, we anticipate our children to begin their opportunities for vaccinations and an increasing number of adults and youth will be able to receive boosters.
- On Sunday evening, October 24, we will host the virtual Charlotte Pride Interfaith Service.
- We will participate in the CROP Walk on Sunday, November 7. Register HERE to donate or join our team!
- We will enjoy a Food Truck Fellowship on Sunday, November 14.
- We will enter our envisioning and commitment process for our Financial Ministry Plan Budget for 2022.
- We will celebrate our beautiful traditions through the seasons of Advent and Christmas.
- We will move forward by returning to our regular patterns of participation.